《驾驭盈利性增长,应对中国生产率挑战》报告摘要(下载报告 )
目前普遍认为,中国经济为了保持增长态势、避免所谓的中等收入陷阱(middle-income trap),则必须提高生产率。政府已经通过某些政策敦促企业提高生产率,且在未来几年,其监管力度只会增强不会减弱。本报告旨在探索中国企业是否准备好应对生产率提高的挑战,以及高绩效企业应该在哪些关键领域采取措施,让生产率更上一层楼。本次调查共有来自1,700多家在华企业(包括本土企业和跨国企业)的首席高管和高级经理参与,反映了他们对中国商业环境的发展趋势和所在企业的运营实践的观点和评价。。
Driving profitable growth: China’s productivity challenge (Dowload the Report )
It is widely accepted that raising productivity will be critical if China is to keep growing and avoid the so called ‘middle income trap’. Leaders need to consider how their organizations can immediately start to build and implement the capabilities that will be essential to meet the challenges of China’s productivity imperative.
This report assesses how ready companies in China are for the challenge of productivity improvement, and sets out the key areas that high performing companies will need to tackle to take their productivity performance to the next level.
China’s previous growth engines running out of steam
Growth in exports has slowed significantly in the past three years as a result of gloomy conditions in key markets in Europe and North America. Within China, demographic change, environmental concerns, and other imbalances are impelling China to alter the speed and nature of its growth.
This has coincided with a fall in China’s productivity growth. Earlier rounds of market liberalization and privatization have largely run their course, and the mass reallocation of labor from low productivity agriculture to higher productivity manufacturing is drawing to an end.
Productivity on the government agenda
Companies can expect increasing pressure to raise productivity in coming years. The Chinese government’s industrial policy will give incentives to raise productivity, and penalize unproductive and wasteful companies.
The government is expected to implement further reforms to labor, capital and natural resources markets in line with the 12th five-year plan’s binding targets to lift average incomes and increase resource efficiency. This, in turn, is likely to make cost inflation a permanent feature in a slowing economy, something that most companies in China have yet to experience.
Productivity will be driven by firm-level improvements
As the benevolent conditions of the past decade wane, productivity growth will increasingly have to come from improvements at firm level. This is an important change.
For companies, the challenge goes beyond simple cost cutting. If companies are to continue to grow profitably, they will need to make much deeper and longer lasting improvements in their management and operational practices, use of technology and the application of innovation to their business.